NETRI x CES Las Vegas 2025
Innovation Awards Winner.
NETRI, an industrial start-up based in Lyon (France), has been awarded the highly coveted Innovation Award from CES Las Vegas for its pioneering platform, NeuroFluidics™ Care. This platform is transforming biochemical safety assessments, enabling early toxicity analysis of compounds used by the food industry with unprecedented precision and accessibility.
NETRI will be showcasing this award-winning technology at CES Las Vegas 2025, from January 6th to January 10 th, in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Pavilion. Attendees are invited to visit NETRI’s #60711-29 booth in the Eureka Park, where live demonstrations of NeuroFluidics Care will illustrate its potential to revolutionize predictive toxicology for food production.
Licensing Programs.
Business Model.
SETUP FEES: Development Services.
Initial reference compound signatures & protocol transfers
LICENSING: Per Model & Per Application
Patents, Devices & Database
Accelerate Commercial Development.
We are raising € 20m to accelerate commercial development.
Related Resources.
Rontard J, Maisonneuve BGC, Honegger T. (2023). Expanding human-based predictive models capabilities using organs-on-chip: A standardized framework to transfer and co-culture human iPSCs into microfluidic devices. Arch Pharm Pharma Sci. ; 7: 017-021.
Maisonneuve, B. G. C., Libralesso, L., Miny, L., Batut, A., Rontard, J., Gleyzes, M., … & Honegger, T. (2022). Deposition chamber technology as building blocks for a standardized brain-on-chip framework. Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 8(1), 86.
Miny, L., Maisonneuve, B. G., Quadrio, I., & Honegger, T. (2022). Modeling neurodegenerative diseases using in vitro compartmentalized microfluidic devices. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10, 919646.
Maisonneuve, B. G. C., Vieira, J., Larramendy, F., & Honegger, T. (2021). Microchannel patterning strategies for in vitro structural connectivity modulation of neural networks. BioRxiv, 2021-03.
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