Neurite growth kinetics regulation through hydrostatic pressure in a novel triangle-shaped neurofluidic system

  • May 6, 2020
  • Laura Ejarque
  • 1 min read


Microfluidic neuro-engineering design rules have been widely explored to create in vitro neural networks with the objective to replicate physiologically relevant structures of the brain. Several neurofluidic strategies have been reported to study the connectivity of neurons, either within a population or between two separated populations, through the control of the directionality of their neuronal projections. Yet, the in vitro regulation of the growth kinetics of those projections remains challenging. Here, we describe a new neurofluidic chip with a triangular design that allows the accurate monitoring of neurite growth kinetics in a neuronal culture. This device permits to measure the maximum achievable length of projecting neurites over time and to report variations in neurite length under several conditions. Our results show that, by applying positive or negative hydrostatic pressure to primary rat hippocampal neurons, neurite growth kinetics can be tuned. This work presents a pioneering approach for the precise characterization of neurite length dynamics within an in vitro minimalistic environment.

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