BIO-DIAMOND is a pilot project demonstrating the benefits of organs-on-chip to accelerate the time-to-market of drug candidates in the "discovery" and "pre-clinical" phases in the fields of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). The project also aims to create France's first industrial biobank of human stem cells dedicated to the commercialization of pre-cultivated organs-on-chip, giving healthcare companies developing innovative biotherapies immediate access to healthy and pathological models of organs-on-a-chip.

French industrial consortium.
France 2030 supports "Innovations in biotherapies and bioproduction" by selecting the NETRI and ETAP-Lab industrial consortium. Winners of the "Innovations in biotherapies and bioproduction" call for projects, financed by the government as part of France 2030, NETRI and ETAP-Lab have launched their BIO-DIAMOND project in 2023. The ambition of the BIO-DIAMOND project is to demonstrate that the use of NETRI's organs-on-chip technologies will enable preclinical players, such as ETAP-Lab, to address this challenge and increase their capacity to meet the needs of pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Two complementary areas of expertise.
NETRI, brings its expertise in microfluidic technology (organs-on-chip), the application of this technology to the study of the central and peripheral nervous systems, and the use of human stem cells to design physiological and pathological in vitro cell models.
ETAP-Lab, brings its expertise in modeling neurological diseases on animal cells and human stem cells, its unique know-how in the development and manufacture of neurotoxic oligomers (key molecules involved in the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases) and its in-depth knowledge of preclinical drug evaluation.

NETRI's high-throughput & interoperable NeuroFluidics MEA line:
• Mimicking brain architecture with compartmentalization & electrophysiology (MEA, MultiElectrod Array)
• Increasing predictivity with cells co-cultures (hiPSC-derived neurons, glial cells, myocytes...)
• Quantitative readouts (HCS imaging, MEA, bioassays,…)

Oligomeric Peptides.
Unique know-how to produce stable oligomeric toxin preparations:
• Recent clinical studies shown the interest for targeting OLIGOMERS in NDD’s, specific neurotoxins involved in pathologic pathways.
• Oligomers’ preparation is crucial to increase preclinical success. ETAP-Lab can produce soluble and stable oligomers, and induce reproducible toxicity.
• BIO-DIAMOND: Towards better screening for amyloid beta & tau neurotoxins to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's Disease (AD).
Current models in preclinical research suffer poor prediction of human physiological and pathological conditions. It is critical to develop new testing approaches to generate reliable predictions of drug efficacy. Microfluidic devices used conjointly with human-induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs), offer great potential to revolutionize the drug screening process, bridging the gap between animal models and human physiology.
• Fully characterized microfluidic-based hiPSC culture to assess the effects of misfolded protein oligomers for the induction of AD
• Brain on-chip model of AβO and TauO injuries.
• Pivotal step in the development of highly relevant and standardized AD models.
Get Started Today.
Discover NETRI's ready-to-use NeuroFluidics MEA devices.
• 3 architectures : DuaLink MEA, DuaLink Shift MEA & TriaLink MEA
• 8 or 16 data points per plate
• Training & Organs-on-chip Kits
• Electrical neurons activity recording
More information about ETAP-Lab preclinical capacities .
• High level research services in neurology, stroke, cardiovascular, dermatology and gastroenterology
• High flexibility and human size organisation team
• ln vitro / in vivo gold standard and customized models
Related Resources.
Maisonneuve, B. G. C., Libralesso, L., Miny, L., Batut, A., Rontard, J., Gleyzes, M., … & Honegger, T. (2022). Deposition chamber technology as building blocks for a standardized brain-on-chip framework. Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 8(1), 86.
Miny, L., Maisonneuve, B. G., Quadrio, I., & Honegger, T. (2022). Modeling neurodegenerative diseases using in vitro compartmentalized microfluidic devices. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10, 919646.
Maisonneuve, B. G. C., Vieira, J., Larramendy, F., & Honegger, T. (2021). Microchannel patterning strategies for in vitro structural connectivity modulation of neural networks. BioRxiv, 2021-03.
[2022] Synaptic transmission investigation using asymmetric shape microfluidic device DuaLink Shift
[2021] Evaluation of amyloid beta oligomers (AβO) effects on functional network integrity of rodent hippocampal neurons
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SfN 2023 Towards new relevant Alzheimer’s disease models for target validation and drug testing